Our ethos is to create a school with a vital artistic life, emphasising both tradition and innovation, and enabling each student to produce work of distinctive quality and character. Whether you are an experienced professional or an enthusiastic beginner, we aim to provide a dynamic and creative learning experience for you.  

Our year-long courses start in September and entry is by interview and portfolio. Our short courses, either day-time or evening are joined on a term-by-term basis and you can book straight onto one. We also currently run three community classes aimed at people in receipt of benefits.

The School functions on an intimate scale because we maintain a high tutor to student ratio. Our tutors have expertise in leading courses with a wide range of ability, and put great emphasis on encouraging and teaching each student at an individual level.

Our ethos is to create a school with a vital artistic life, emphasising both tradition and innovation, and enabling each student to produce work of distinctive quality and character. Whether you are an experienced professional or an enthusiastic beginner, we aim to provide a dynamic and creative learning experience for you.  

Our year-long courses start in September and entry is by interview and portfolio. Our short courses, either day-time or evening are joined on a term-by-term basis and you can book straight onto one. We also currently run three community classes aimed at people in receipt of benefits.

The School functions on an intimate scale because we maintain a high tutor to student ratio. Our tutors have expertise in leading courses with a wide range of ability and put great emphasis on encouraging and teaching each student at an individual level.