Introduction to Printmaking

Introduction to Printmaking

Places Available
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£590 (9 weeks)


Thursday, 9:30am – 4:30pm


North Junction St. Campus

Term 3: Summer

24 Apr - 19 Jun 2025

Course Staff

Introduction to Printmaking is an opportunity to spend the whole day printmaking and is aimed at those who wish to learn to print using traditional methods.

The course will cover in detail; Monoprinting, Collagraph and Relief Printing with lino. Students will be encouraged to explore all processes, learning how to combine techniques to expand visual ideas and develop a personal printmaking language. A substantial body of work will be created using our printing press, hand-burnishing techniques, artists quality inks and papers.

Lectures and tutorials will enable students to understand their place within the context of printmaking as a contemporary Fine Art process. The course is ideal for those considering the Year-long Printmaking Course, and is well suited to those with an interest in drawing and painting, as well as those from a design background.