Advancing Studio Practice

Advancing Studio Practice

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25/26 - £2205


9.30am - 4.30pm

Course Days



North Junction St. Campus

Term Dates 2025/26

18 Sep - 28 Jun 2026

Course Staff

Andrew MacKenzie Advancing Studio Practice Course Leader & Painting Course Tutor

Advancing Studio Practice provides a structured year-long programme of teaching which supports individuals in the development of a confident self-directed studio practice and a distinctive creative voice. The course is ideal for those individuals who may have experience of previous learning but who are still discovering their unique means of expression.  It is designed to further a student’s creative ambitions towards professional development or as a springboard for further advanced study.  


  • The programme aims to support the development of a confident self-directed studio practice leading to further professional development or progression to advanced study.
  • The course offers a structured programme of teaching aimed at supporting each student in the development and articulation of their individual creative interests and practice.
  • Students are encouraged to identify, test and experiment with a range of materials and processes as a means of progressing creative ideas.
  • The course encourages the development of critical and reflective skills in order to progress individual creative development and decision‑making.        
  • The course aims to support students in the development of key themes and ideas supported by close tutorial support and peer group feedback.

The course is delivered through a year-long programme of weekly teaching aimed at supporting each student in the development and articulation of a self-directed and coherent individual practice.

In the first term the course provides a series of workshops and project activities through which students explore, test and develop key areas of creative interest. Drawing forms the starting point of this process from which students are encouraged to experiment with a range of materials and processes as a means of identifying key area of interest. Throughout this process students are encouraged to develop a critical and selective review of practice as a means of assessing and evaluating their individual progress. This is supported by regular one to one tutorials and peer-group feedback sessions. Regular lectures, seminars and peer group sessions provide a contextual framework to studio activities and an opportunity to exchange ideas, review progress, and test creative ideas.

In term two students work with their tutor to identify potential areas of interest and to establish an individual pattern of practice in preparation for a major project in term three, culminating in a final summer exhibition of completed work.

On completion of the course students will have developed a major portfolio of work suitable for further professional self-development as creative practitioners. Students may also choose to progress their independent learning on the Leith School of Art Mentoring programme or towards further higher academic study.

Course Terms and Conditions