Foundation Course

Foundation Course

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25/26 - £7852


9.30am - 4.30pm

Course Days

Monday - Thursday in the studio.

Friday - project to complete outside the School


Albion Road Campus

Term Dates 2025/26

8 Sep - 28 Jun 2026

Course Staff

Andrew Baker Tutor
Jenny Martin Tutor
Leesa French Foundation Course Leader

On the Foundation Course we give students experience across the full range of art practices, with specialist tutors dedicated to each. Drawing underpins every aspect of the course and is used as a tool of enquiry and a basis for work in all forms of art and design. Sketchbooks are essential and students learn how to make good use of them for creative research and the development of ideas. Photography, painting, body adornment, sculpture, installation art, design and animation are some of the disciplines covered and students learn how to use the nature of materials and their properties to deliver ideas. 

Lectures and seminars are delivered by visiting artists and visits to galleries, museums and other locations around Edinburgh also happen throughout the year.

The Foundation Course has a rigorous approach to assessment with projects presented to staff for formal appraisal. Students also have an assigned tutor to give individual feedback and discuss progress. Self-assessment is encouraged as a necessary skill in art practice and students record this for all projects. The whole class participates in group critiques; analysing and learning from each other’s work. In addition to the day-to-day discussion and appraisal of work that takes place, each student individually reviews and discusses their work twice yearly with the Course Leader and Head of Design. These reviews help to prepare work for applications to higher education art colleges and art schools and the applications are guided and reviewed at every step.

As with our other courses, we recognise the individuality of our students and aim to support the aspirations of each through critical support, raising self-awareness and confidence. Tutors work individually with students and a strong emphasis is placed on developing each student’s visual language. 

‘"I’m really grateful for all the work that was done at LSA...I want to thank all the staff at the school for supporting and encouraging me to feel confident in my own work, pushing me to be the best I can." - previous student who went on to Queensland Universtiy to study visual art and was awarded the 'Scholarship of Excellence' there.’