Drawing & Painting

Drawing & Painting

Term 3: Summer, 22 Apr - 17 Jun 2025
Price per person £345.00

Two places left, phone the School
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£345 (9 weeks)


Tuesday, 9:30am – 1:00pm


North Junction St. Campus

Term 3: Summer

22 Apr - 17 Jun 2025

Course Staff

This course provides comprehensive tuition in the essentials of drawing and painting. Each class is intensively taught, with students gaining a thorough understanding of how to draw and paint accurately and expressively.

Students initially learn the principles of drawing through line, tone, mark-making and composition. A variety of drawing materials are used, both wet and dry, and students have the opportunity to work on longer sustained pieces, as well as fast paced, expressive drawing. Students will also learn about mixing paint and applying colour. A wide range of subject matter is studied: still life, landscape, and the figure. Each class is carefully structured with different subjects, media and processes taught so students are able to build on their learning from week to week. All materials are provided, in order that students make full use of their time in the studio. Most classes start with a short slide lecture of artists’ work connecting art of the past and present to practical studio work.

The course is designed so that terms can be taken separately or more than one taken together, in order to consolidate and deepen learning. Tutors work with each student individually, allowing each person to work at their own level. The course is ideal for those who wish to learn new skills or consolidate existing ability. Students will complete each term with a body of large and small scale work in a variety of media.