Introduction to Jewellery

Introduction to Jewellery

20 Aug - 22 Aug 2025
Price per person £295.00 £280.00

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Wednesday - Friday, 10:00am – 4:30pm


North Junction St. Campus


20 Aug - 22 Aug 2025

Course Staff

This is an ideal course if you are taking your first steps in jewellery making or are a returning student looking to refresh existing knowledge.

Students will be introduced to the traditional techniques and tools used to make jewellery, using demonstrations and structured guidance to instil confidence. The basic techniques of saw-piercing, soldering and roll printing will be covered, with the additional option to look at fold forming. Initially using copper (which has similar properties to silver), students will then progress to using silver to create a finished piece. 

The course is designed to be as flexible as possible, allowing students to build their skills as well as create a finished piece in silver.
Copper and a limited amount of silver will be provided. Extra silver can be purchased at cost if needed.

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