My work is about fragments of distilled landscape, where the human presence is sometimes represented in a more literal way (hands, a human silhouette), sometimes in a more abstract way (objects to imply human presence, lines that guide the eye, geometry shapes that enclose the landscape, dots that define a frame through which we look at landscape). Through the combination of images and marks, I want to explore zoomed-in micro-elements of the landscape, like rock formations and textures, but also aerial views that suggest vast spaces.
I was born in Italy, but in the past 15 years I lived and studied in Spain, England and I finally moved to Scotland after my MA in translation and interpreting. Here, I started pursuing my interest in fine art a few years ago and now I am about to complete a CertHE in Art and Design. The Printmaking Course at Leith School has been a fundamental step towards my new project, a printmaking specialization course in Florence, starting in September. Mor