The Figure: Painting as Liquid Thought

The Figure: Painting as Liquid Thought

Past Course
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Saturday, 10:00am – 4:00pm


North Junction St. Campus


23 Mar 2024

Course Staff

Kenneth Le Riche Visiting Tutor

Working with a wide and unlikely mix of materials encourages artists to find new and unique ways of expressing themselves.

“Paint is water and stone and also liquid thought” James Elkins, What Painting Is.

During this workshop, students will immerse themselves in the process of using pigments, shellac, linseed oil and linseed oil emulsions, ash, inks, liquin, charcoal, acrylics and oils. Working directly from a life model, the emphasis will be on students finding their own visual language, where the act of painting – gestures and moods – becomes embedded in these materials.

There will be clear teaching, demonstrations of materials and a power point presentation of work by artists such as John Virtue, Anselm Kiefer and Miquel Barcelo amongst others.


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