The Head in Oils

The Head in Oils

Past Course
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Saturday, 10:00am – 4:00pm


North Junction St. Campus


28 Oct 2023

Course Staff

Kenneth Le Riche Visiting Tutor

An intensive, fun day of prolific painting, this workshop will take students on a journey into colour while painting the head from life.

“Colour is not a physical reality; it is the reality of what is in the painter’s mind” Henri Matisse.

The Fauves painters simplified lines, exaggerated perspective and used brilliant colours. They valued spontaneity and freshness over finish. Students will make a series of quick studies and a main painting, exploring both the medium of oil paint and the structure of the head. We will focus on the rudiments of using colour to describe form, as well as formal qualities such as line, tone, texture, negative space and composition.

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