Printmaking: Exploring Techniques and Ideas

Printmaking: Exploring Techniques and Ideas

Term 3: Summer, 23 Apr - 18 Jun 2025
Price per person £245.00

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£245 (9 weeks)


Wednesday, 6:30pm – 9:00pm


North Junction St. Campus

Term 3: Summer

23 Apr - 18 Jun 2025

Course Staff

Designed for students who would like to discover the exciting and often unexpected creative potential of printmaking. The course is ideal for students who may not have any previous printmaking experience and also welcomes artists with existing experience who wish to further develop their skills.

During the course of the term, the tutor will introduce a range of processes and techniques as a means of developing your confidence and understanding of the medium. Studio practice will be supported through reference to the ways in which other artists have used printmaking to develop new ideas and visual expression.  

The course will explore a range of innovative printmaking techniques whilst also providing refreshers to key processes each term.  Students may wish to take a single term or continue the course over a number of terms. Key processes will include an exploration of monoprint techniques, relief print processes such as lino or woodcut and Intaglio processes including drypoint, collagraph and carburundum.