Landscape: Introduction to Oil Painting

Landscape: Introduction to Oil Painting

11 Aug - 15 Aug 2025
Price per person £470.00 £445.00

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Monday - Friday, 10:00am – 4:30pm


North Junction St. Campus


11 Aug - 15 Aug 2025

Course Staff

This Summer School will explore different approaches to landscape painting utilising the unique qualities of oil paint.

Inspired by a diverse range of artists from the French Impressionists to the Scottish Colourists, alongside bold contemporary painters, the course will begin with an introduction to the properties of oil paint. We will make several small studies from the work of other artists, focusing on varied colour, brushwork and artistic styles.

The group will take a trip out into the landscape to gather sketches and photographs which will serve as reference material for the remainder of the week. You will be supported to develop compositions and a personal colour palette based on your own choice of subject, with demonstrations on colour mixing, layering, glazes, wet on wet, and broken brushwork. Together we will look at how these techniques can be used to convey light, texture, depth and movement in the landscape. The week will conclude with a final piece on a larger scale or a resolved series of works. 

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