Linocut Printmaking

Linocut Printmaking

21 Jul - 25 Jul 2025
Price per person £475.00 £450.00

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Monday - Friday, 10:00am – 4:30pm


North Junction St. Campus


21 Jul - 25 Jul 2025

Course Staff

Explore the creative possibilities of relief printmaking. 

With tutor demonstrations and instruction, students will use this week to delve into linocut printmaking with a particular focus on the ‘reduction method.’

A lino print is made through a process of removal; cutting an image out of a piece of lino to form the relief block. Coloured layers can be achieved using the ‘reduction method’ where sections are cut away in stages from a single piece of lino. Students will be guided through the process of transferring their sketches to the block, carving the lino using tools, and then inking up and printing. 

There will be plenty of time to experiment with different techniques, play with the transparent layering of colours, and find your own way of working. By the end of the course, students will leave with a limited edition of finalised lino prints

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