5 Palettes, 5 Paintings, 5 days: The Figure in Oils

5 Palettes, 5 Paintings, 5 days: The Figure in Oils

21 Jul - 25 Jul 2025
Price per person £495.00 £470.00

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Monday - Friday, 10:00am – 4:30pm


North Junction St. Campus


21 Jul - 25 Jul 2025

Course Staff

Kenneth Le Riche Visiting Tutor

 "It is not enough to place colours, however beautiful, one beside the other; colours must also react on one another. Otherwise, you have cacophony." (Matisse)

During this summer school, students will be taken on a journey into colour while responding to the life model. By investigating a different artist’s palette each day (Paul Cezanne, Mary Cassatt, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Berthe Morisot, and Henri Matisse) the rudiments of using colour and tone to describe, mood, atmosphere and form will be explored as well as other elements of composition such as line, texture, movement, proportion, rhythm, and space.

 The emphasis will be on making a painting each day, learning from tradition while tapping into your own visual language. We will consider our own personal response to the life model both consciously and subliminally.

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