Alla Prima: The Draped Figure

Alla Prima: The Draped Figure

10 May 2025
Price per person £100.00

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Saturday, 10:00am – 4:00pm


North Junction St. Campus


10 May 2025

Course Staff

Kenneth Le Riche Visiting Tutor

Paint directly from the figure and discover the unpredictable quality of Alla Prima.

Alla Prima is a wet-on-wet oil painting technique where oil paint is applied in several layers, without waiting for the previous layer to dry. On this workshop, you’ll learn to improvise and respond to how the paint behaves – to a certain extent, the painting paints itself.

We will start the day with a number of short oil sketches of our draped model, who’ll be in colourful clothing and placed in a constructed space sympathetic to the figure’s colour and shapes.

Looking to artists such as Frans Hals, Manet, Sickert and Avigdor Arikha for guidance, you will develop your skills in using oils in one sitting, creating a larger, more sustained painting.

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