Introduction to Oil Painting

Introduction to Oil Painting

3 May 2025
Price per person £100.00

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Saturday, 10:00am – 4:00pm


North Junction St. Campus


3 May 2025

Course Staff

Oil paints can provide a great sense of luminosity and depth when used effectively.

Working from a colourful ‘kitchen table’ still life, the day will begin with advice on observational sketching and composition. This initial process will inform a tonal underpainting in acrylics, in order to establish a strong sense of light, which we will then work on top of with oil paints.

In-depth demonstrations will be given, focusing on the versatility and flexibility that oil can offer, helping you to build up a rich, vibrant surface with attention to colour, brushwork and consistency of the paint.

Using this methodical approach, you will be able to complete a sustained painting over the course of a single day, and leave with skills and confidence in using oil paint.

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